品牌 澳士兰(广东·汕头)
行业 乳品,奶吧,烘焙
服务 鲜奶包装设计,牛奶屋顶盒包装设计
针对澳士兰卡通版包装设计项目,北斗设计策略:运用奶牛作为产品元素表现,让消费者直观感受到到产品的属性。颜色运用在整个澳士兰包装设计体系里取用,主题是:清新,简洁,体现出“鲜”的概念。客户反馈:澳士兰杨总见到这次的包装系统升级升级给出了高度的肯定,对于这个系列的屋顶盒设计方案非常兴奋的说:太可爱了,我太喜欢了。 我想这就是我们要表达,我们期望我们的作品能够传递给我们的用户一种愉悦的心情,我们在享受的过程,能感觉到它给我们带来趣味与健康,让我们优雅的体验一个有创意的作品。
Beidou design deepening China's food market, to provide strategy + creative design of multi-dimensional design services.
For Macao silan cartoon version of the packaging design projects, beidou design strategy: using the cows as product elements, let the consumer feel to the properties of the products. Color in the whole bay silan packaging design system access, theme is: pure and fresh, concise, reflect the concept of "fresh".
Customer feedback: Macao silan Yang always meet the packaging system upgrade to upgrade highly affirmation, is given to the roof of this series box design excited said: too lovely, I love it. I think this is we want to express, we expect that our work can be passed to our users a pleasant mood, we are enjoying the process, can feel it brings us fun and health, let us experience a grace of creative works.